Once upon a time, in the merry old days of King Arthur, Sir Lancelot the Valiant and Sir George the Dragon Slayer, there lived a brave knight called Sir Valentine. These days of yore still had a phase between friendship and love and many a brave knight traveled the countryside on their trusty steed to court fair maidens. While Sir Valentine had all the attributes expected of a knight, he had one minor flaw. He had a weak bladder. Whenever he started to court a lady, the inevitable would happen.
Needless to say, the sight of urine flowing down his leg was a real turn off (or whatever the term they used in those days). Soon the ladies would giggle to each other whenever he approached to court them. It was sad to see such a perfect knight ruined by such a minor flaw and to go down in history being known only by his nickname---
"Pee knee the Woo"
(Winnie the Pooh)
Dedicated to my daughter Shazeen’s favorite cartoon character.
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