Friday, September 26, 2008

You Can't Beat This^^

Convicted vandal, Michael Fay stood before the court. "12 strokes of the cane" uttered the Singapore judge. This is not the kid stuff caning you get from your dad. This official punishment uses a half inch rattan rod, dipped in antiseptic and administered by one tough dude.

The time had come. Michael was strapped and bent over a wooden frame with his bare buttocks exposed. Adjacent parts of his body were padded to prevent accidental injury and a doctor was present. But this is small consolation.

Whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack whack
.... but the screams from the agony were much louder. Blood flowed down his legs from his torn skin and raw muscles.

Some of the headlines in the papers the next day ...
Hit Dozen; Pain Butt; Hit Raws.
(It doesn't rain but it pours)


Dedicated to all the mental and physical sufferers of torture -- Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Nazi Concentration Camps, Spanish Inquisition and countless others throughout history. Can a 1st world country like Singapore still keep 3rd world punishment? When will the politicians see the difficulty?

What makes an ordinary Joe, when put in a position of power, becomes pure evil?
Based on scientific studies, the "enemy" is dehumanized and holds wrong and dangerous ideologies and values. Therefore the abuse is rationalized, self-justified and reinforced by the herd mentality of his fellow torturers. Besides, "I was only following orders".

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