Monday, June 28, 2010

Pure Weaval^^^

Salome's wedding was just a few days away and she wanted something daring to wear. This is not easy when you live in conservative Abu Dhabi. She called the premier bridal shop and they said they would send over a sales lady with some items. In this country like elsewhere, they have what you call "walk shops" where they provide this exclusive home service for the rich and famous. (This ain't some Fuller Brush nickels and dimes stuff)

Soon the saleslady was showing her the items and there it was --- perfect! A daring hand-weaved mauve veil with enticing slits and hemmed with precious stones.

Well in hindsight, it was obvious. Everyone knows that

"Bridal Aims are the Dare Veil's Walk Shop"

(Idle Brains are the Devil's Workshop -- a variation of the less accurate "hands" version)

Dedicated to Shaan and Jeremy 2-year stint in Abu Dhabi. 
And also to the best friend you will ever have -- yourself. There are wonderful and interesting people and things all around us we should never let ourselves get lonely and become neurotic.