Friday, February 17, 2006

Against the Odds^

"I tell you that there is no one in our senior class who weighs 60 kilos" insisted Al

"Well it says right here in the newsletter that that is the mean weight" countered Beth.

"Don't you see" explained Al "that the mean weight of men is about 70 kilos and the mean weight of women is about 50 kilos. By mixing all the data together, they came up with a meaningless figure of 60 kilos."

"Oh yes, I understand it now" Beth said " Now I know what they mean by the Flaw of Averages"


Dedicated to Mathematics. Like many kids, I started with Pi and then to i, e and phi and feel the unique combination of beauty and truth. I am truly previledged.
I spent no time studying Math and I aced it but spent tons of time on French and barely scraped through. This must mean the more you study the worse your grades. Another example on how statistics can lie.